How To Ensure You Get Your Bond Money Back

How to Ensure You Get Your Bond Back

Bond CleaningIf you rent a property then you’re probably aware that when your lease comes to an end you need to make sure the property is in the same condition as when you took it over, if you are to get your bond money back. Sounds easy enough right? Well not exactly…… End of lease cleaning is nothing like the quick dust which you may give your property from time to time and it entails a lot of time and effort to leave your property looking spotless.

It can be difficult taking time out of a busy schedule to carry out such an extensive clean, and to be honest, once you’ve started you’re likely to wish that you had hired a professional cleaner in the first instance. So aside from saving you time, what other benefits are there to hiring professional bond cleaners? Well, let’s take a closer look.

Experience, knowledge, tools

Professional cleaners regularly carry out bond cleaning and consequently, they know exactly what is required to satisfy the most discerning landlord. With their skills, professional equipment, and specialist cleaning materials, they can clean your property effectively and make it look brand spanking new!

Allows you to concentrate on other parts of moving

Moving from one place to another is time-consuming what with packing up and de-cluttering and knowing you still need to clean thoroughly from top to bottom just sends those stress levels sky high. Hiring a professional cleaner allows you to concentrate on all the other elements of moving home and makes the process less of a hassle.

Bond back guarantee

An experienced bond cleaner will guarantee that you get your bond money back and should be knowledgeable, trustworthy and reliable. As standard bond cleaning should include the areas listed below:

High-level cleaning – fans, lights, vents etc.
Cleaning of places which are difficult to reach
Removal of cobwebs for ceilings and corners
Cleaning of the windows
Stains removed from walls
Bathrooms cleaned thoroughly
Thorough cleaning of the kitchen including sinks, cabinets, shelves, fittings etc.
Furniture dusted and polished
Balconies brushed and swept
Garages cleared of dust, rubbish, oil spills etc.
Carpets cleaned using the latest techniques and best methods
Walls cleaned and any mould treatment carried out

Bond cleaning as you can see involves a long list of work and isn’t a job to be taken lightly. It requires a lot of energy, a lot of time, and an eye for detail, so it’s not a good idea to try to do it yourself. You run the risk of not getting your bond money back if the property isn’t cleaned correctly, so why put yourself in this position? Best to hire an experienced professional cleaning company such as Carpet Cleaning Kings. We’ve been in the business for a great many years and have a good reputation. Why not call us on 1300 7000 75 for a free quote or to book your bond clean.

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