Category Archives: Carpet Cleaning

What is Filtration Soiling and How Do You Deal With it?

Filtration Soiling

If you own a light coloured carpet you might have noticed an unsightly dark-greyish line appearing around the outer edges over time. You’ll usually notice it more in the proximity of your skirting boards, underneath doorways, and in the vicinity of floor-level air vents. This is known in the trade as filtration soiling but what […]

4 Top Tips To Keeping Your Carpet Looking Great This Christmas

Carpet Looking Great This Christmas

For most people Christmas is a time for celebration and for a coming together of friends and family. If a family gathering is likely to take place in your home over the festive period, then it’s likely that your carpet will bear the brunt of it. Although nothing beats a professional carpet clean, there are […]

How Long Does It Take A Carpet To Dry After Cleaning And Why Is This important?

A Carpet To Dry After Cleaning

Arguably the best way to clean a carpet is through steam cleaning. More commonly known as hot water extraction, it’s the only method that penetrates right down into the carpet fibres removing any unwanted debris and bacteria. The issue is that because it requires the use of water carpets are likely to remain damp for […]

Could My Carpet Shrink When It Is Cleaned?

Could My Carpet Shrink When It Is Cleaned?

Will my carpet shrink? This is a question that we get asked a lot and we can totally understand why. After all, the last thing you need is for your expensive carpet to shrink after cleaning so that it’s almost impossible to use it. People have carpets cleaned for various reasons – health, aesthetics, or […]

Steam Cleaning vs Dry Cleaning Which Is Best?

Steam or Dry Cleaning Carpets

Despite your best efforts, it’s inevitable that after years of walking on and the occasional spilled drink or food, your carpet is now in need of some TLC. But with a multitude of carpet cleaning methods out there all claiming to be best for your carpet, how do you know which to choose? With this […]

Carpet Cleaning – Do It Yourself Or Hire A Professional?

Do It Yourself

Carpet cleaning, should you do it yourself? That’s the dilemma that many people face when finally deciding they really need to do something about their carpet instead of covering over any badly stained areas with hastily rearranged furniture. The question is, is it really cost effective to do it yourself? The answer is both yes […]

Got A Frieze Carpet? – Learn Why It’s so Difficult To Clean

Why It’s so Difficult To Clean

The term frieze carpet applies to any deep pile rug where the fibres are long and durable. While deep pile rugs are famed for being soft, luxurious, and comforting to walk on, they can be a nightmare to clean if you don’t know what you’re doing. Let’s take a closer look at why this is… […]

Why Renting A Carpet Cleaning Machine Might Cost You Dear

Renting A Carpet Cleaning

If you own a carpet then no matter how carefully you look after it, there will come a point in its life when it’s going to be screaming out “clean me”. Now you could call out a professional carpet cleaning company in your locality or you could, especially if you’re a cost conscious type of […]