Author Archives: Isuru Hewapathirana

Everything You Need To Know About Bedbugs And Probably More Besides

Everything You Need To Know About Bedbugs

Despite their tiny stature bedbugs are in fact pretty mighty! They have the ability to infest entire apartment buildings or hotels with lightening speed. In fact they wrote the book on how to be an annoying parasitic insect! If you’ve never seen one up close and personal they range in size from half to one […]

What You Should Do If You Suspect You Have Carpet Beetle

What You Should Do If You Suspect You Have Carpet Beetle

In our natural world we’re surrounded by a multitude of different beetles, many of which have one thing in common. They just love to eat stuff! Wood-boring beetles for example like nothing better than a good tree to munch away on; leaf eating beetles prefer to dine on our plants; and as for dung beetles….well, […]

6 Signs You Might Be Sharing Your Mattress With Bed Bugs

signs you might be sharing

Take a close look at your bedding Next time you strip the bed, take a close look at your bedding. You might be under the impression that bed-bugs are microscopic and can’t be seen by the naked eye, and while this is true for most of these visitors in various forms of the bed-bug cycle, […]

Meet The Critters That Share Your Mattress

Critters That Share Your Mattress

You probably already know that mattresses can be a swathe of dust mites and bedbugs which happily thrive amongst the remnants of dried blood, sweat, saliva and any other type of bodily fluid you care to mention. Bed bugs tend to be around half a centimeter in length and their favourite food is you! They’re […]

The Life Cycle Of The Common Bed Bug

The Life Cycle of the Common Bed Bug

If you’ve woken up covered in itchy bites then there’s every chance that your room is infected with bed bugs. Fortunately bed bugs aren’t known to transmit disease but nonetheless they are commonly classed as a household pest and unfortunately they’re on the rise here in Australia. The iceberg effect Little do most of us […]

How To Protect Your Wool Carpet From Carpet Beetles

Protect Your Wool Carpet From Carpet Beetles

Australia is home to a wide variety of grubs and insects with the carpet beetle being one of them. This native beetle can be found throughout Australia in forests, gardens, woodland, and urban areas where it feeds on pollens. The larvae of this beetle are easily recognised for their brown fluffy bodies and bands of […]