Isn’t It Time You Had Your Aircon System Cleaned?

air-conditioning units

air-conditioning units

It might sound like an unnecessary chore to clean your air conditioning unit, after all as long as it’s cooling your house in the spring and summer months, that’s OK isn’t it? Well, actually no. Cleaning your aircon unit has a number of health and monetary benefits, both for you and your family. So let’s take a closer look:

1. Improved efficiency

You’ll notice a marked improvement in the efficiency of your aircon unit since cleaning away the dust and debris that has accumulated on your unit, reduces the stress and pressure of operating within dirty conditions. Your unit has to work harder when its air filters are clogged by dust and dirt. Furthermore, when the evaporator coil is hidden beneath a layer of dust, it’s harder for it to absorb heat, which reduces its efficiency and ability to cool your home even further.

2. Save on electricity bills

Typically a cooling system accounts for a large percentage of your electricity consumption on a monthly basis. Since a dirty aircon unit has to work harder to keep your home cool, it uses more power and this can relate to anywhere between 5 and 10 percent more electricity. When you clean your aircon unit, it doesn’t need to work so hard and you’ll notice a reduction in your electricity bills.

3. Helps prevent future repairs and replacement

Failing to clean and maintain your aircon units on a regular basis leads to far larger problems and eventual failure. As your unit gathers more dust it’s harder to clean and it’s likely that your unit will become prone to overheating as the evaporator coils are prevented from doing their job properly. Your unit will also be likely to develop a build up of ice. These problems could be avoided by having a professional company, such as Carpet Cleaning Kings, clean it regularly for you.

What’s more, while a professional is cleaning your unit, they’re likely to spot signs of any potential problems in the future, thus preventing more expensive repairs or, in the worse case scenario, having to replace your unit altogether. Although you have to factor in the cost of a professional cleaning service, this works out cheaper than expensive repair or replacement bills.

4. Improved air quality

As well as cooling your home, your aircon units perform another important role in helping to keep the air that is being circulated around your home, clean and healthy. A dirty unit encourages bacteria, fungi, mould, and germs to thrive. This means that whenever you turn on your unit, particles are being blown into the room contaminating the air, which can trigger allergies and worse still asthma attacks.

Keeping your entire HVAC system regularly cleaned and maintained provides a lot of benefits which is why you really should consider contacting Carpet Cleaning Kings if your units are dirty. If you need any further information about any of our services or want to make a booking, then please give us a call on 1300 7000 75.