When Is The Best Time Of Year To Get My Carpets Cleaned?

Best Time Of Year To Get My Carpets Cleaned
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Best Time Of Year To Get My Carpets CleanedIf you have a carpet that needs a professional clean you might think about when is actually the best time to have it cleaned. Is one time of the year better than another for instance? Or is it simply a case of when it looks dirty? The answer is that it might well be a culmination of all of these things.

Regular cleaning

Although getting your carpet cleaned when it appears to have lost its shine is certainly better than not at all, it isn’t always ideal. For many reasons carpets should be serviced regularly as a preventative rather than a cure. Often by the time a carpet appears dirty, the damage has been done. Dirt and debris have buried themselves deep into carpet fibres and sticky marks have collected excess dust – hence the dark staining or patches. Often when a carpet gets to this state simple vacuuming is only going to remove the top layer of dust and the remaining debris is being ground into the fibres as it’s being walked over. This can cause long term damage. Therefore regular cleaning is key to keeping a carpet looking in tip top condition. This way dirt and debris can easily be removed before they have chance to penetrate down into the fibres.

So is there a good time to do this?

A good rule of thumb is to have your home carpets cleaned after the ‘dirty’ season. Inclement weather such as mud and snow can result in a lot of debris being brought into your home and deposited onto your carpet. As a result it’s best to wait until the warmer weather, preferably the spring time before you decide to spring clean your carpets. The other factor too is that the warmer weather should mean that the carpet will dry quicker, thus limiting the possibility of carpet mould.

What about the autumn?

The autumn time is also good for getting your carpets professionally cleaned simply because the weather can still be pleasant and it’s also right before the winter period when the less than perfect weather can hamper cleaning.

So to sum up…

Don’t wait until your carpet is dirty to get it cleaned. Instead regular professional cleaning is best. Spring and autumn are arguably the best times because the weather is better, less mud and debris is being brought into the house and drying times can be accelerated.

If you’d like to find out more about how to keep your carpet in tip tip condition or you’d like to contact us for a free, no-obligation quote, call Carpet Cleaning Kings on 1300 7000 75 today.