Are Your Carpet Cleaning Habits Causing Harm To Your Pet?

Carpet Cleaning Habits Causing Harm To Your Pet
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Carpet Cleaning Habits Causing Harm To Your PetLets face it, dogs and cats spend a fair amount of time on carpets. Whether they’re simply sitting, or taking a well earned nap, there’s nothing better than a nice rug or carpet to relax on. The problem is that the chemicals you use on your carpet – while (hopefully) helping to eradicate stains – could also be causing harm to your pet. Excessive scratching and skin problems could all be caused by harmful cleaning agents, so what can you do to make sure that the cleaning agents you use aren’t going to cause problems?

Check the label

There are a number of deodorisers and stain removers on sale but it’s really important to check out the label. Even products that are meant to deal with pet odours or stains may still be dangerous if your pet is exposed directly to them. If for example the product recommends that your pet is kept away from the area for a certain amount of time, then it isn’t 100% safe and therefore should only be used as a last resort. Most large pet stores sell pet-friendly cleaning solutions and on most occasions this is your best bet. Although these products are usually marketed for cleaning up pet stains and odours in most cases they can be used for other stains and spots too, such as coffee or fruit juice. Erring on the side of caution means that you can feel safe in the knowledge that you definitely have something safe for your pet and besides, you don’t have to stock a cupboard full of cleaning products either.

Natural remedies

When it comes to cleaning spots and stains on your carpet natural remedies really do work. What’s more, they’re guaranteed to be completely safe for your pets. For example a solution of water and vinegar/lemon juice mixed with salt is a great way to remove stubborn stains, while also giving you peace-of-mind over the safety of your pet.

So what should you be avoiding?

There are certain chemicals that are known to cause harm. Chlorine is one and is used in some specialised products. It can irritate the eyes of your pet as well as the skin. Ammonia is sometimes used in deodorisers and sprays and similarly to chlorine, it has the ability to irritate the eyes and can cause sneezing. So any products that have these two substances listed should be avoided like the plague.

At Carpet Cleaning Kings we’ve been professionally cleaning carpets for many years and we pride ourselves on only ever using substances that are guaranteed to be 100% safe for your pets and family. To find out more why not contact us directly on 1300 7000 75 and make sure that your cleaning habits don’t jeopardise the safety of your pet.



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