How To Know If You’re Being Charged The Right Price For Your Carpet Clean

The Right Price For Your Carpet Clean

The Right Price For Your Carpet CleanHave you ever wondered why carpet cleaners charge such differing prices for a carpet clean? The answer is that it’s often down to a number of reasons including the experience of the company and the quality of their equipment.

The issue is that budget machinery tends to produce budget results and just to prove a point, in the early days of Carpet Cleaning Kings we would have desperately loved to have saved thousands of dollars on equipment costs if we could guarantee the same great results as we’re getting now. The truth is we couldn’t. This is why we invested in the latest state-of-the-art hot water extraction equipment.

Obviously the costs of running and maintaining this type of cleaning equipment coupled with ongoing accredited training will inevitably result in a few more dollars added to the end result but if you ask our existing customers, they’ll tell you that the results are most definitely worth it. Conversely if a company is scrimping on equipment by cutting corners it makes you wonder what other corners they’re cutting to charge the price that they do. Remember a poorly trained, carpet cleaner that is also uninsured, is likely to cost you dearly in the long term, while leaving you fully exposed to the costs of any accidental damage caused.

Before settling on the cheapest quote available you might want to ask yourself a few questions first of all.

Q. In the event of an issue or problem, how much would it cost to replace my carpets or upholstery?

Q. Are you happy for your carpets just to look better or would you prefer carpets that are not only beautifully clean, but are fresh and hygienic too?

And finally

Q. How disappointed would you be if you managed to save $20 but the end results weren’t as good as you hoped for?

The reality is that a professional carpet clean should really be thought of as a long-term investment and one that prolongs the life of your carpets and upholstery. It shouldn’t be extortionately expensive but at the same time it should never be dirt cheap either. If it is, well….there’s probably a good reason for it.

The bottom line is that if you choose a company that’s fully insured, suitably trained, and that use the best equipment, there’s a strong chance that you’ll get the very best results while at the same time covering the risk of any damage or costly mistakes.

If you need to bring your carpet or upholstery back to life, then why not call Carpet Cleaning Kings. Contact us today on 1300 7000 75 for a free, no-obligation quote. Trust us when we say, “you’ll be glad that you did!”

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