How To Go About Specialist Area Rug Cleaning In A Small Apartment

Specialist Area Rug Cleaning

Specialist Area Rug CleaningA great looking area rug can be a stylish addition to any apartment. It makes the space both cosy and inviting while giving it a snug feel. The problem is that any area rug can be exposed to a tremendous amount of dust and dirt on a daily basis from heavy foot traffic and pets. This tends to leave it leave it looking discoloured, jaded, and somewhat worse for wear.

Of course the old fashioned way of getting the dirt and dust out of an area rug used to be to take it outside, hang it up and and beat the living daylights out of it using a large paddle-shaped implement. Indeed it’s still a good solution today but probably not if you live in a top floor apartment. I’m pretty sure your neighbour below wouldn’t appreciate a wall of dust and debris cascading towards them. So what are your area rug cleaning options?

DIY Cleaning

It’s true you could try to clean it yourself by giving it a good vacuum. While this is good for removing new dirt and dust particles off your carpet it won’t remove any residue that’s penetrated into the fibres of your rug. Therefore in effect all you’re doing when you’re vacuuming an already dusty and dirty carpet is simply removing the top layer of dirt. You could of course try store bought shampoos and detergents but most of these products are designed for synthetic carpets and not for natural fibre rugs. A a result they might be too harsh causing the rug to bleed and discolour. What about renting a steam cleaner or Vax? While they may work on synthetic rugs, they aren’t particularly good for delicate natural fibre or handmade rugs as the process can cause damage.

Calling in the pros

A good way to get your apartment rug properly cleaned is to call in the professionals. However you need to make sure that the company in question is capable of cleaning specialist rugs. You see, a generalist carpet cleaner will come to your property and steam clean your rug area right there and then. The trouble is that on a delicate rug, even when the the bulk of the water is extracted it may cause the fibres to clump together. Moreover a heavier rug might remain damp for 24-48 hours if too much water is added. That’s enough time to start breeding mould and bacteria and in a small space like an apartment that’s going to cause all sorts of havoc!

For this reason it’s advisable to make sure that the company you choose specialises in handling delicate or natural fibre rugs. Instead they’ll come to your apartment and give it a thorough inspection. After analysing it they’ll come up with a proper safe cleaning solution. Once you’re satisfied with the solution, the rug is then removed and taken to a dedicated cleaning facility. If it’s particularly delicate then it might be dusted using a gentle air technique and then hand cleaned and naturally dried. When the transformation is complete it’s returned to your apartment looking like new.

At Carpet Cleaning Kings we clean all types of rug and carpets including the speciality high-end variety. These rugs are taken off the premises and given the appropriate treatment to ensure the best results. To find out more or to book a no-obligation quote don’t hesitate to contact us on 1300 700 075. Remember, you don’t have to put up with a dirty carpet any longer!

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